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I haven’t been able to really get into the Dragon Age: Legends Facebook game, but having installed the game on my Facebook account, EA’s got my e-mail address, so they’re pushing info about it to my inbox on a daily basis.

Yesterday, an announcement came over the transom that they’d handed all of the Dragon Age: Legends game’s Flash assets over to an indie developer so he could make a remix game out of them. A re-skinning in reverse, almost. That blew my mind a little bit.

For my money, the remix is a better game than the Dragon Age: Legends game proper. Your mileage probably varies—play them both and judge for yourself.

But that’s not the news. The compelling thing here is the idea of re-purposing game assets for an entirely different game developed by an out-of-house developer.

We see lots of remixes in tabletop gaming, of course, but this Dragon Age remix seems pretty groundbreaking for the casual-online game space. It’s worth checking out just to get a sense of the territory they’re exploring here.