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I’ve been playing Drop7 on my iPhone. It’s a game that its developer, Area/Code, describes as “Tetris meet Sudoku.” You blow up numbered circles by dropping them to make contiguous rows or columns of circles equal to the number. Blowed-up circles create space for gravity to pull previously stacked circles downward, which can create chains of blow-up.

The game is addictive, falling squarely into the class of games you’d call “time-wasters.” You look up and it’s been half an hour since you thought to yourself, “I’ll just play one quick game.”

In this case—and in the case of most successful games of the time-waster genre—I think the game’s success arises primarily from two factors.

drop7_iphone.jpgThe first is that Drop7 is remarkably successful in getting a player into a state of flow, where time passes even as you remain completely focused on the task at hand. You’ve had this experience, mentally entering a timeless state of just doing your work, or playing a game, or reading a book, or watching a movie.

The key work on this mental state is called Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience. I haven’t finished the book yet—it keeps getting pre-empted in my reading pile—but from the understanding I have so far, one of the key elements of achieving and maintaining flow is that the activity at hand must fall within a relatively narrow band of difficulty that’s neither too easy nor too difficulty. If the work is too easy, it becomes boring and your mind seeks other things to fill its capacity. If too hard, the taxed brain experiences frustration that disrupts its focus.

The mental tasks of Drop7—simple counting in two dimensions, multiplied by the future effects of the space created when circles are destroyed—fall solidly in this band.

The second key factor is slot-machine style reinforcement. You’d have to be a savant to predict all of the chain-reactions that will result from a given play. But at the same time, long chain reactions reward you with both multiplicative scoring and an escalating “lights-up-and-makes-noise” experience. As research shows, random reinforcement is even more effective than predictable reinforcement. That is, the rat pushes the feeder bar even more tenaciously when he gets a food pellet some random percentage of the time than when he gets it every time.

Drop7 rewards continuing, solid play with relatively predictable rewards—you clear circles and score row advancements—but you also score big-time payouts, both in circle-clearing and big bonus scores, at more-or-less random intervals. (Again, unless you’re a savant, in which case I suppose Drop7 is not all that interesting to you. Drop7 savants, please weigh in in the comments.)

The effectiveness of flow, especially, in creating a compelling game experience is particularly frustrating to me when I’m wearing my board game designer hat, because it’s particularly difficult to promote a state of flow in a board game. Because the common design of board games involves turn-taking, each player’s flow-potential is constantly interrupted by the end of his turn. The promotion of flow is, in my estimation, what makes a continuous-play game like Jungle Speed so much fun.

Conversely, random payoffs are relatively easy to achieve in table games. Readers for whom the relationship between dice and randomness is confusing are remanded to remedial game education on the forums at, from whence one assumes they will never emerge. (Are the new viewers gone yet?) Elements like critical hits are especially effective. Rolemaster was particularly good at this, even if its general system overhead repulsed as many players as its awesome E-crits attracted.