The Bones: Us and Our Dice
The Bones is a wonderful and entertaining read for anyone who has ever gamed. You’ll smile as you recognize the victories in getting the perfect roll at the right time and commiserate with the low roll that caused everything to fall apart. In between, you’ll laugh and maybe even learn something.
The Bones
Edited by Will Hindmarch
Written by Keith Baker, Jason L Blair, Greg Costikyan, Ray Fawkes, Matt Forbeck, Pat Harrigan, Jess Hartley, Fred Hicks, Will Hindmarch, Kenneth Hite, John Kovalic, James Lowder, Russ Pitts, Jesse Scoble, Mike Selinker, Jared Sorensen, Paul Tevis, Jeff Tidball, Monica Valentinelli, Chuck Wendig, and Wil Wheaton
Including interviews with Irving Finkel, Scott Nesin, and Cardell Kerr
ISBN 13: 978-0-9818840-1-1
ISBN 10: 0-9818840-1-6
6×9 inches • 224 pages • softcover
$18.95 (US)
About the Book
This isn’t about math. It’s about unlucky breaks and victory against all odds.
This isn’t about percentiles and probabilities. It’s about late-night game-ending rolls where everything hinges on that climactic moment when one single die skitters across the table and determines the fate of a hero, a city, an empire…
The Bones gathers writing about fandom and family—about gamers, camaraderie, and memories— and ties them together where they meet: our dice. These are essays and anecdotes about the ways dice make us crazy, about the stakes we play for and the thrill we get from not knowing what the next roll will bring.
Step back and look at how we play with dice.

A 2011 ENnie Nominee, Best RPG Related Product
Ordering Information
Orders for The Bones: Us and Our Dice placed on the Gameplaywright web site ship from us.
In addition to ordering the book from us, you can also…
- Buy the print edition from Amazon.
- Buy the print edition, PDF edition, or a print + PDF bundle from Indie Press Revolution.
- Buy the PDF edition from DriveThruRPG.
- Buy the PDF edition from e23.
Gameplaywright books including The Bones are available to retailers through hobby game distribution channels via Atlas Games. For orders or inquiries, call Atlas at 651-638-0077, or email sales at atlas dash games dot com.
The Special Edition
A hardcover special edition of The Bones was available in a limited window in late May and early June, 2010. The special edition run was printed exactly to order; no more are available. All special edition hardcovers were signed and numbered by The Bones editor Will Hindmarch. Those who ordered also received an advance PDF copy.
The Dice-O-Matic Mark II
The interview in The Bones with Scott Nesin, inventor of the Dice-O-Matic, promises a link to the marvelous YouTube video of his marvelous creation. Follow the link, or watch it here. In either case, pick your jaw up off the floor when you’re done.
Although it wasn’t apropos of the topic of dice and so didn’t make its way into The Bones, in the process of interviewing Scott, I read an account he wrote of his then four-year-old son’s drive to… well, that would be telling, and it’d spoil the story. Read “Wood Tape;” it’ll be worth the time.