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Right now, my head is at the intersection of the Splinter Cell: Conviction demo, the Lady Blackbird game mechanics, and the stealth-action RPG rules I’m brewing on the side. What I like about the Trait-and-Tag language is the way that it casts every character as more than one thing, which the player must choose from when engaging with the game world.

The result of last night’s thinking about stealth action is this rough sketch, written to frame some inspiration in play terms:

Sam Fisher

SOLDIER: Aim, Shoot, Take Cover, Situational Awareness, Beat Down, [Dash], [Dodge]

SPY: Sneak, Hide, Eavesdrop, Intrusion, Climb, [Honed Senses], [Sticky Camera]

NINJA: Silent, Assassin, Vanish, Hang, Sonar Goggles, Quick, [Infrared Vision], [EMP Gun]

AVENGER: Grab, Disarm, Interrogate, That Voice, Gallows Humor, [Persuade], [Stare Down]

Key of the Covert Agent: Fisher’s trained to make the biggest possible impact with the smallest possible trace. Hit this key whenever you accomplish an objective without resorting to loud noises or triggering alarms. Buyoff: Step right out into the open.

Key of the Patriot: Fisher has his own notions of patriotism and duty, and they don’t include blind servitude to faceless hierarchies. Hit this key when you take out an enemy of American values, even if that enemy is unofficial or ostensibly American. Buyoff: Take an innocent life.

Key of the Father: Fisher’s daughter is as important to him as his country. Hit this key when you get closer to the people responsible for her death. Buyoff: Let an opportunity for revenge slip away.

Secret of Silence: Once per session, re-roll the misses on any one dice pool to do something stealthy.

Secret of Honed Reflexes: Once per area, apply one roll’s hits to two or three enemies instead of one.