Things We Think About Games
“An unholy mixture of helpful guidebook and jabbing provocation, it will earn its right to rattle around your brain. It is essential reading for designer, critic, and straight-up rank ‘n’ file gamer alike.”
— Robin D. Laws, creator of HeroQuest and Feng Shui
Things We Think About Games
Written by Will Hindmarch & Jeff Tidball
Foreword by Robin D. Laws
Introduction by Wil Wheaton
with John August, Pat Harrigan, Fred Hicks, Kenneth Hite, John Kovalic, Michelle Nephew, Philip Reed, S. John Ross, Mike Selinker, Noah Wardrip-Fruin
ISBN 13: 978-0-9818840-0-4
ISBN 10: 0-9818840-0-8
6×9 inches, 160 pages, softcover
$20 (US)
About the book
Will Hindmarch and Jeff Tidball think a lot about games. At their commentary website,, they think out loud about what it means to play games, make games, sell games, and love games. They are gamers.
Here, with fellow game designers and notable game players, they think out loud on paper in the first Gameplaywright book.
Things We Think About Games collects dozens on dozens of bite-sized thoughts about games. From the absurd to the magnificent, the demonstrable to the dogmatic, this collection spans both the breadth of games—board, card, roleplaying and more—and the depth of gaming, offering insights about collecting, playing, critiquing, designing, and publishing.

It is rare that I actually shout “Yes, goddamn it!” when reading a book.
— Richard Dansky, Manager of Design, Red Storm Entertainment
A 2009 Origins Award Nominee
Ordering Information
Orders for Things We Think About Games placed on the Gameplaywright web site ship directly from us.
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- Buy the print edition from Amazon.
- Buy the Kindle edition from Amazon.
- Buy the iBooks edition from iTunes.
- Buy the PDF edition from Indie Press Revolution.
- Buy the PDF edition from DriveThruRPG.
- Buy the PDF edition from e23.
Gameplaywright books including Things We Think About Games are available to retailers through hobby game distribution channels via Atlas Games. To place orders or make inquiries, call Atlas at 651-638-0077, or email sales at atlas dash games dot com. If you’re a retailer having any difficulty finding our titles, please don’t hesitate to e-mail
Signed Copies
The first twenty copies of the book, after the author proofs, were numbered, signed by Will and Jeff, and had their US shipping charges covered by Yourses Truly. That promotion is now closed.
We will still happily sign books if you find us at conventions or readings, or otherwise persuade us. It’s something of a trick to get done online, though, as we live far, far apart and have to ship books all over to get them signed. So normally we don’t sign online orders.