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DSU: The Recap

As I mentioned in an earlier post, at the end of the week before last I drove across the boring part of Minnesota to visit Dakota State University in Madison, Wisconsin, to attend Nanocon and speak to the students of their game design program—and other interested...

The Process

The weekend after next, I’m heading to Madison, South Dakota to be a guest at a small convention called Nanocon. I’m sure the convention will be fantastic, but the highlight for me will be the opportunity, the day before, to speak to students in...

Monopoly, Sans Serifs

Recently, I was going on about how game designers might have something to learn from designers in other realms. I probably should have gone so far as to suggest that “game designer” has more in common with, say, “interaction designer,”...

Lightbulb Fights Map

I recently read an interesting article, “Mapping Memory: Web Designer as Information Cartographer” on a prominent website aimed at web designers. The author makes a case for turning the metaphor of web designer as architect around, proposing that a web...