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2008 Origins Nominees

Word has it that these are the final nominees for the 2008 Origins Awards. The annual question: How much do you care? What does an Origins Award mean for you or for the product? And, for me, the real burning question: Did White Wolf even submit anything to the awards...

LOTRO: The Wall

I’ve hit a wall. Though I’ve been paying for it, I haven’t played Lord of the Rings Online in weeks. I’ve been busy, but I’d been busy before. So why haven’t I been playing? It is a unique, MMOG-centric experience to hit a point...

The Mobius Campaign

This piece is republished from an article I wrote for Games Quarterly Magazine. The way roleplaying campaigns work is well enshrined: A group of people play a series of games to tell a continuing story. One gamemaster creates the story and runs the game, and the same...

LOTRO: A Toy in the Game

Click any image in this article for a larger version.LOTRO is rated “T for Teen” on account of tobacco and alcohol use (also violence), but the purpose of having your character drink alcohol or smoke tobacco is questionable; they have no meaningful affect...


I recently finished reading Scott McCloud’s Making Comics. McCloud also wrote Understanding Comics, which, if you haven’t read it, which pop culture have you been living in, exactly? Near the end of Making Comics, in his chapter about having and developing...

What To Play?

It’s a silly question, but I’m confronted with a choice. I am gathering together a new gaming group and I find myself faced with two extremes: play a game that I can actively work on, so that play is work-related; or play a game that is dead and buried but...