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Mutant City Blues, the newest GUMSHOE-system game from RPG expert Robin D. Laws and Pelgrane Press, is almost here and Pelgrane commissioner Simon Rogers is very excited about it. The game is a police procedural mystery/thriller RPG in a world of super-powered mutants, using a variation on Robin’s innovative investigation mechanics — the same ones that appeared in his Esoterrorists and Ken Hite’s Trail of Cthulhu. Only this time, in addition to chasing down murderers you’ll be blasting them with your telekinetic super-powers.

To mark the upcoming release of Mutant City Blues, Pelgrane Press is hosting a month-long murder-mystery competition:

Whodunnit and why? Solve a brutal murder which occured on the set of a reality TV show. The contestant who compiles a preliminary theory of the case closest to what actually happened will be declared the winner and get $150 worth of Pelgrane Press vouchers. Runners up will get smaller vouchers, and all entrants will get something.

I got a chance to read this game last year, when I wrote this promo interview with mutant-powers expert Dr. Lucius Quade for Pelgrane’s webzine, “See Page XX”. I’m biased, obviously, but it’s brilliant. In addition to being another cunning investigation game, it sports an ingenious method for determining super powers — and tying them into forensic investigations: the Quade Diagram. I can’t wait to see Jerome Huguenin’s art for this book — his work on Trail of Cthulhu was stellar.

*(Not actual cash.)