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This past weekend, Adam Jury wrote about a gamer he met who isn’t plugged in to the larger network. On Monday nights, I play with some gamers who are only loosely plugged in beyond their one weekly play session. Even I’m not plugged in like I used to be — I hardly post on RPGnet and its sibling sites, and I visit only occasionally (for a variety of reasons). I’m more and more aware that gamers fall into overlapping clusters, rather than any master network. The local game store is one cluster. The audience that strives to reach a mass consensus opinion about Exalted (or what have you) at RPGnet is another. The Exalted community at the White Wolf forums is still another one.

Being plugged in requires a lot of jacks.

Are you plugged in?

What about you? Why or why not? What does it mean to you to be plugged in?