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Behold RPG Geek

You’re aware that BoardGameGeek is the best-in-breed website for information about board games. The incredible thing about BGG is that it doesn’t require the qualifier hobby board games, or adventure board games when you describe it. It’s a site for...


Friend of Gameplaywright Josh Roby has just launched Rooksbridge, a series of linked fantasy short stories that he’ll publish, one a month, in a variety of formats including PDFs formatted for print, screen, and iPhone; spoken-word mp3s; and what are presumably...

You! Are Diana Jones!

The committee of the Diana Jones Awards has announced the shortlist for its 2009 award. Nominees include Dominion, Dungeons & Dragons 4th Edition, the Jeepform movement, the Mouse Guard RPG, and Sweet Agatha. Your task, should you choose to accept it, is to...

Games, Sports, and Puzzles

I was working on a writing project recently that touched a relatively wide span of game types. While trying to make sense of this taxonomy in the context of the project at hand, I came to this idea: The difference between a game and a sport is whether the player is a...