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Same Scene Twice

Jason Morningstar wrote this on Google Plus: Questioning assumptions: In roleplaying games, how come we only play each scene one time? Here’s what I wrote immediately after reading the question (so this is probably just a reflection of my habits and presumptions...

Storytelling in Video Games at IGN

IGN Australia asked a wide array of video-game developers about the role of storytelling in games and got a lot of good answers. In this first part of a three-part feature, IGN asks “How has storytelling in video games matured over the last decade or so? Has it...

The Dynamic Script Game

(In the interest of posting more often around here, I’m going to spend some time sharing rough thoughts and sketches of ideas, rather than aiming wholly and solely for breakthroughs and finished essays. This is a blog, after all.) Can an RPG be made GM-proof? Is...

We Don't Tell Stories Anymore

Over the weekend, Will threw up a tweet pointing to a relatively short GQ piece called “The Day the Movies Died.” It laments Hollywood’s apparent wall-to-wall dismissal of Inception’s critical and commercial success. [I]t’s really bad...