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The Process

The weekend after next, I’m heading to Madison, South Dakota to be a guest at a small convention called Nanocon. I’m sure the convention will be fantastic, but the highlight for me will be the opportunity, the day before, to speak to students in...

Make a Game, Already

My friend Jeremy Bernstein is mad as hell. Being a game designer, he decided that the appropriate “not gonna take it anymore” course of action was to make a game. In Truth Invaders, you control the White House (“use arrow keys to move, spacebar to...

Mr. Bistro's Wild Ride

Fortress: Ameritrash recently posted the best session report of a board game ever, The Unbearable Lightness of Being (a Cylon), an actual play report of the recently released Battlestar Galactica board game. I defy you to read that narrative and not wish that you were...

Monopoly, Sans Serifs

Recently, I was going on about how game designers might have something to learn from designers in other realms. I probably should have gone so far as to suggest that “game designer” has more in common with, say, “interaction designer,”...

Lightbulb Fights Map

I recently read an interesting article, “Mapping Memory: Web Designer as Information Cartographer” on a prominent website aimed at web designers. The author makes a case for turning the metaphor of web designer as architect around, proposing that a web...