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A Layout Trick For Game Books

A book is a user interface, and game books require layout decisions that traditional just-for-reading or just-for-gleaning books do not. Here’s an example of something I learned doing d20 System books, back in the day, which came up again when doing the book...

The Bones Cover Peek

Here’s your first look at the cover for The Bones. Please note that the final contributor list (if you can make it out) is still subject to change. Additional alterations to the cover may yet happen. The Bones is coming soon. Cover photo by Chuck Wendig. Cover...

No One Gets Away Clean, Part 2

This is the second half of a two-part interview with Fred Hicks, Ryan Macklin, and Leonard Balsera on the design and development of the Dresden Files RPG — an adaptation of the Dresden Files novels by Jim Butcher. Read part one here. Where do you find the balance...

No One Gets Away Clean, Part 1

Over the last couple of weeks, I’ve been talking online with Fred Hicks, Ryan Macklin, and Leonard Balsera, the designers of the forthcoming Dresden Files RPG from Evil Hat games. I’ll admit two things, right off: I’m excited to see this game, and...

Announcing The Bones

Even before we began writing Things We Think About Games, Will had started noodling around with some sections of a book that he was calling “Dice Magic,” about the rituals and relationships we—gamers—have with our dice. That book, now called The Bones,...