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The Studio Auteur Theory

Brian Ashcraft has written some smart analysis comparing and contrasting film auteur-ship with video game auteur-ship. He eventually decides: In game development, because the studio is so important and because the team is so important and because there are so many...

Fear and Loathing at the FFG Event Center

I was about one hundred feet north of the four-way stop at the intersection of County Road B2 and Prior Avenue when the drugs took hold. My rules lawyer—a burly Samoan—advised me to hit the brakes, but I don’t think he’s been reading the newspapers. Either...

David Byrne Nails the Essence of Gaming

David Byrne apparently wrote it more than two years ago, but I only saw a link yesterday. So forgive me for being the last guy to the party, but his piece in Wired about the spectrum of ways musicians can approach the business of making money from making music is as...

The Workhorse of Commerce

I’ve been thinking and writing about stories and their uses recently, for reasons that will become apparent in the Fall or Winter. A few days ago, a post went by on Signal vs. Noise about the way online retailer The J. Peterman Company spins stories to sell you...