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The Timely Demise

I watched The Hurt Locker the week before last. A fine movie, expertly acted, directed, and written, and presented with the aura of verisimilitude that makes people wonder if all movies aren’t just improvised on set or recorded from life by cameramen hiding in...

Adapting Sands of Time

Jordan Mechner, in the unusual position of having worked on the Sands of Time game as a writer and designer, and also of having also been involved in the forthcoming Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time movie as a writer and executive producer, is interviewed in Screen...

Hitchcock and Friends

My buddy Peter Hentges sent me a link, last week or so, to Hitchcock, a newish iPhone app for composing film storyboards in the wild, using, among other elements, photos taken with your phone while you’re standing right there, wherever it is you want to...

A Videogame, in Three Acts

Yesterday’s issue of The Escapist included “A Videogame, in Three Acts,” an article I wrote about using the Hollywood three-act structure to add emotional impact to videogames. Parts of my argument there may sound familiar; I’ve been beating...