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Following Tone

This is a comment I posted on Robin Laws’ livejournal some weeks back. I saved it to share here on a slow week. Since I’m not technically back from my deadlines-imposed hiatus until next week, we’ll call this a slow one. Enjoy: One thing I do to...

How Much is "A Lot?"

An hour spent playing a paper-RPG is not equivalent to an hour spent playing an MMORPG. How many of one is equal to how many of the other? How many paper-RPG sessions constitute playing “a lot?” How many hours with an MMORPG does it take to constitute...

How Much is "A Lot?"

An hour spent playing a paper-RPG is not equivalent to an hour spent playing an MMORPG. How many of one is equal to how many of the other? How many paper-RPG sessions constitute playing “a lot?” How many hours with an MMORPG does it take to constitute...

On The Fly

Tabletop RPGs traditionally squander — utterly — the opportunity to make character creation an exciting part of a game’s actual play. Sure, in lots of RPGs the process of rolling up a character is an entertaining mini-game of its own. It has the benefit that you...


We’ve been at this for two months or so now, Will and I. It’s time to ask: What do you think? How are we doing? What now? We’d be grateful if you’d click ahead, read some of the questions we’ve got on our minds, and leave a comment that...