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Seen on the Cutting-room Floor

This text was recently cut from the project that Will and I have been working on for the past couple of months. Don’t use a space or a hyphen when writing “roleplaying,” as in, “roleplaying game.” 1) As compound words develop in English...


Over at Electronic Book Review, they have a “thread” that started out being about First Person, and has now moved on to being about Second Person as well. Will made a post about their collection of fantastic essays recently. Since then, they posted...

GameMastery Item Cards

Paizo’s GameMastery-brand item cards are a great accessory. They used to come in boosters, which are fun for random treasure hoards.Now and again, we said we’d throw some praise around to products we personally dig. Considering the number of them...

Hobby Games: The 100 Best

I didn’t pimp this anywhere else prior to its release, or even when it came out, so I’m forgiven for bringing it up now: Check out Green Ronin’s Hobby Games: The 100 Best. Its 100 essays (with bonus foreward, afterward, and introduction!) each make...