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Where's The D&D App?

It’s been almost a year since I first asked this question of my gaming group, and Malcolm Sheppard’s new post just reminded me that I should be asking all of you: Where is the D&D App for the iPhone and iPod Touch? I get why Wizards yanked PDF support....

Making A List

Jeff and I are both a little swamped with upcoming projects (like The Bones), so we’ve been slow to post. Given the time of year, though, I thought I’d toss out the obligatory materialist question that befits Black Friday: What game-related gifts are you...

Question: When Are You Ready To Review A Game?

When have you been exposed to enough of a game to feel qualified to review it? Can you review an RPG before you’ve played it? Can you review a video game from the demo? How many times do you need to play a board game before you can render a verdict? When are you...

A Question About "Fudging Dice"

Here’s another question for you tabletop RPG types: When have you fudged a roll of the dice? I’m less curious about your policies on this matter and more interested in a specific example that you can recall of when you have fudged, faked, or ignored a dice...

A Question About "Fudging Dice"

Here’s another question for you tabletop RPG types: When have you fudged a roll of the dice? I’m less curious about your policies on this matter and more interested in a specific example that you can recall of when you have fudged, faked, or ignored a dice...