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Where To Start?

A question for the weekend, folks: What’s the best currently-available RPG for a newcomer to the hobby? Better still, let’s make up an imaginary dude and find the right game for him. He’s 30, he’s never played but he’s heard tell. He...

It Plays Itself

While sitting at a table watching Nanocon attendees playtest a nearly finished board game it occurred to me that all of the players seemed to be in an unverbalized conspiracy to not win. They weren’t deliberately trying to prolong the game, but neither had any...

Where's The D&D App?

It’s been almost a year since I first asked this question of my gaming group, and Malcolm Sheppard’s new post just reminded me that I should be asking all of you: Where is the D&D App for the iPhone and iPod Touch? I get why Wizards yanked PDF support....