by Will Hindmarch | Jan 14, 2010 | Design, RPGs
During a recent D&D game, a question came up about friction in the game mechanics between the resource-management portion of play — that is, the selection and deployment of daily powers — and the vagaries of random chance. Does it suck too much to have a daily...
by Will Hindmarch | Jan 13, 2010 | RPGs, Story
I’m going back through old drafts of posts and publishing things that I thought I’d build on later… but haven’t. So pardon my half-formed thoughts in these sorts of posts. For example, my response to this great post by Ben Robbins: Lately, I am...
by Will Hindmarch | Dec 18, 2009 | Design, RPGs, Story, Video Games
Jordan Mechner is among my favorite game designers, not least because I dig the way he integrates stories into gameplay. I played the original Prince of Persia and the later reinvention, The Sands of Time, over and over again, sometimes to sample the story again and...
by Jeff Tidball | Dec 15, 2009 | Creativity, RPGs
My four-year-old son has a saying: “You get what you get / And you don’t throw a fit.” He brought it home from daycare. His teachers say that he didn’t learn it from them, so I can only assume that another kid in his classroom picked it up from...
by Will Hindmarch | Dec 2, 2009 | Question, RPGs
It’s been almost a year since I first asked this question of my gaming group, and Malcolm Sheppard’s new post just reminded me that I should be asking all of you: Where is the D&D App for the iPhone and iPod Touch? I get why Wizards yanked PDF support....
by Will Hindmarch | Dec 2, 2009 | Question, RPGs
It’s been almost a year since I first asked this question of my gaming group, and Malcolm Sheppard’s new post just reminded me that I should be asking all of you: Where is the D&D App for the iPhone and iPod Touch? I get why Wizards yanked PDF support....