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Pencils to Pixels

Today, a GenCon follow-up piece from guest contributor Jesse Scoble. Read more of Jesse on his website, at Last month I was lucky enough to attend GenCon, and I caught one of the “Pencils to Pixels” panels (apologies for all alliteration),...

LOTRO: The Wall

I’ve hit a wall. Though I’ve been paying for it, I haven’t played Lord of the Rings Online in weeks. I’ve been busy, but I’d been busy before. So why haven’t I been playing? It is a unique, MMOG-centric experience to hit a point...

LOTRO: A Toy in the Game

Click any image in this article for a larger version.LOTRO is rated “T for Teen” on account of tobacco and alcohol use (also violence), but the purpose of having your character drink alcohol or smoke tobacco is questionable; they have no meaningful affect...

Bionic Commando: Rearmed

Ahhh, this takes me back: Without taking too much attention away from the last two posts (which need your attention), I’m just dropping this in to say that this was the title that introduced me to periodic and optional text-driven storytelling in the midst of...