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The Dude Would Approve

In an extreme test of my generic dictum that a story can improve any game, I read this morning that Flick Bowling 2 for the iPhone has a story mode. As summarized in CNET’s review: The story goes like this: On a regular day of bowling with your friend, suddenly...

Dancing in the Puddles of Heavy Rain

by Jason L Blair Those who only view footage of Heavy Rain or whose button presses are laden with skepticism may well file away game developer Quantic Dream’s latest release as nothing more than a pretender to the Dragon’s Lair throne. Anyone who plays the...

Hocking on Didacticism in Games

Clint Hocking (Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory, Far Cry 2), Creative Director at Ubisoft Montreal, thinks a lot about serious games — and taking games seriously. I got to see his lecture about the future of games and media convergence, “The Territory is Not the...

Adapting Sands of Time

Jordan Mechner, in the unusual position of having worked on the Sands of Time game as a writer and designer, and also of having also been involved in the forthcoming Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time movie as a writer and executive producer, is interviewed in Screen...