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Mo' Fasta Blogga-blogga

You’ve noticed, perhaps, that Will and I have been doing more blogging at Gameplaywright over the past few weeks. We’ve made a conscious choice not only to post new material more frequently, but also to include more short posts that link to and grow from...

Iconica and Etsy

Geek Dad just spotlighted a lovely looking new game, Iconica, over on their blog. The game could be great — I have no idea. What strikes me about it, what has captured my imagination, is its venue. Iconica is for sale on Etsy. I like Etsy — it’s what my wife...

McGonigal on Evoke

Matt Forbeck mentioned Evoke in a comment on my previous post about didacticism, and it occurred to me that we haven’t really talked about it on the site, yet. Aside from the actual website for the game — — most of my opinion on it was formed...

30 Gamemastering Articles

I can’t vouch for all of these, as I’ve read fewer than half of them, but it seems like a fine slew: that gamer-blog bastion, Gnome Stew, has gathered thirty great GM-oriented blog posts and articles from its archives — including a few from game-writer and...