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What Makes Combat Fun?

Here’s another thing that’s been open in my browser for a while: Mike Birkhead, via Gamasutra, asking “What makes combat fun?” I love reading this kind of article. Birkhead gets into details in this piece, breaking down what combat actually is...

The Feminism of Space Marine

This has been open in a tab in my browser for weeks. I think I found this through Gamasutra. I keep meaning to ask you about it. The link is this: Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine – Most Suprisingly Feminist Game of the Year Contender. An excerpt: [2nd Lieutenant...

On Rules and Their Functions

Just a quick note tonight. If you haven’t yet read it, you might well find something provocative in Ben Lehman’s newest guest-post at Vincent Baker’s blog: Rules and Their Functions. Besides being a thoughtful read on its own, it has got a great...

The Magazine is a Game

The current issue of Wired magazine—February, 2011—contains a code. Actually, that’s not right. It contains codes. Multitudes. The issue seems to be a kind of superpuzzle hinging on secret languages. “Solving this test may be useful in finding the method...