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Funning Up a Classic

Scrabble players are in an uproar over the announcement of a version of Scrabble to be released in the United Kingdom that will allow—among other things—the use of proper nouns in play. CNET has set the record straight that Hasbro, the American publisher of the game,...

Do Game Designers Need an Organization?

You’ve seen, probably, the recently released list of Origins Awards nominees for games released in 2009. I dig the Origins Awards. Congratulations to all of the fine nominees, many of whom are Friends of Gameplaywright. The Origins Awards are given annually by a...

We, The People of +1 Dexterity

Earlier this year, I did the graphic design and layout for Hard Boiled Empires: Solara, for Brennan Taylor of Galileo Games. I wasn’t aware of any of the content specifics when I signed on for that job, but when I read through the Hard Boiled Cultures source...

The Dude Would Approve

In an extreme test of my generic dictum that a story can improve any game, I read this morning that Flick Bowling 2 for the iPhone has a story mode. As summarized in CNET’s review: The story goes like this: On a regular day of bowling with your friend, suddenly...

Mo' Fasta Blogga-blogga

You’ve noticed, perhaps, that Will and I have been doing more blogging at Gameplaywright over the past few weeks. We’ve made a conscious choice not only to post new material more frequently, but also to include more short posts that link to and grow from...