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The Mariachi Metaphor

Yesterday I read the most intelligent and least douchy thing I’ve ever read about making money from free-to-play games, in an interview with social game designer Brenda Brathwaite: Brathwaite explains [her studio’s] approach to monetization with a...

The Chief Argument Against Farmville

I don’t know Tak Fung from Adam, but though a series of re-tweets (and by now far out of an original context that appears to have been part of a longer discussion) this suggestion of his wound up in my Twitter feed: the argument against farmville is similar to...

Everyone Everywhere

A couple of months ago, I was bitching publicly on Twitter about having forgotten my copy of The Everyone Everywhere List at home, bemoaning that there was no PDF edition of this extensive set of names broken down by ethnicity. Josh Rensch to the rescue: He’s a...

We Don't Tell Stories Anymore

Over the weekend, Will threw up a tweet pointing to a relatively short GQ piece called “The Day the Movies Died.” It laments Hollywood’s apparent wall-to-wall dismissal of Inception’s critical and commercial success. [I]t’s really bad...