by Will Hindmarch | Feb 23, 2010 | Board Games, card games, Fan Culture, Question, RPGs, Video Games
This past weekend, Adam Jury wrote about a gamer he met who isn’t plugged in to the larger network. On Monday nights, I play with some gamers who are only loosely plugged in beyond their one weekly play session. Even I’m not plugged in like I used to be —...
by Jeff Tidball | Feb 22, 2010 | Design, RPGs
If you read nothing else about tabletop roleplaying this week, read Ken’s exploration of why setting (vs. character, vs. plot) is the RPG designer’s primary responsibility. More and more, I’ve come to believe that the designer’s primary...
by Will Hindmarch | Feb 17, 2010 | Books, Design, RPGs, Story, Writing
This is the second half of a two-part interview with Fred Hicks, Ryan Macklin, and Leonard Balsera on the design and development of the Dresden Files RPG — an adaptation of the Dresden Files novels by Jim Butcher. Read part one here. Where do you find the balance...
by Will Hindmarch | Feb 15, 2010 | Books, Design, RPGs, Story, Writing
Over the last couple of weeks, I’ve been talking online with Fred Hicks, Ryan Macklin, and Leonard Balsera, the designers of the forthcoming Dresden Files RPG from Evil Hat games. I’ll admit two things, right off: I’m excited to see this game, and...
by Will Hindmarch | Feb 5, 2010 | Board Games, Design, MMOs, Movies, RPGs, Video Games, Websites, Writing
Here’s something I wrote about games as art, eons ago, when somebody on the Internet made me all mad. Someday I may finish it, and update its bunch of busted links, but for now I offer it up in rough form, in honor of the Art History of Games (#AHoG), happening...
by Will Hindmarch | Jan 26, 2010 | Question, RPGs
I’ve been holding on to this question for a while, but I think it’s a good one: What is the worst RPG session you ever presided over as GM? Why? What went wrong? What did you learn? What would you do differently? What would you do again?