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Battle Beats

Sarah Darkmagic has written a great post at Critical Hits, “Hope and Fear,” about how to use Hamlet’s Hit Points story beats inside an unfolding combat. She talks about specific mechanical elements of Dungeons & Dragons, but her thinking is more...

Battle Beats

Sarah Darkmagic has written a great post at Critical Hits, “Hope and Fear,” about how to use Hamlet’s Hit Points story beats inside an unfolding combat. She talks about specific mechanical elements of Dungeons & Dragons, but her thinking is more...

Question: When Do You Fudge the Dice?

Today, on Twitter, Rob Donoghue (@RDonoghue) asked: GMs: If you strongly object to dice fudging, do you equally strongly support data transparency, such as visible enemy stats & Powers? After some dialogue, Tracy Hurley (@SarahDarkmagic) wrote: To turn it around,...

Question: Is This A Custom Move?

In this fascinating thread over at Story Games, a few Apocalypse World players are wrestling with one player’s actual-play issues and discussing some of the edges of the Apocalypse World GM’s job. (I think.) In that thread, you’ll find some...

Ryan Macklin on Story vs. Adventure Games

I missed this one when he posted it, but back in July Ryan Macklin wrote a blog post that talks about the difference between “adventure games” and “story games.” Whether one is enamored of that particular pair of labels or not, I think...

Question: Hacking Apocalypse World

I was asked, via Twitter, why I think Apocalypse World is such a popular game for hacks and remixes. I have my own opinions, but smarter and better informed people are weighing in right now on Twitter, in ways that might be hard to follow in just a few hours. So...