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John August answered a question about screenwriting from theme last week on his blog. He dismisses a few classic ways to define theme out of hand, and from the writer’s perspective, good riddance to them. Writing a story to prove some greater truth about the...

Matt Forbeck on Gaming Fiction

If you didn’t catch it last week, check out “Days of High Adventure: Gaming Fiction,” Matt Forbeck’s recent article at The Escapist about gaming tie-in fiction. He begins with a highly informed discussion of the fundamental differences between...

The Dude Would Approve

In an extreme test of my generic dictum that a story can improve any game, I read this morning that Flick Bowling 2 for the iPhone has a story mode. As summarized in CNET’s review: The story goes like this: On a regular day of bowling with your friend, suddenly...

A Question of Action

Twitter just isn’t affording the room to answer and engage with this question the way I’d like, so I’ve brought it here: Why is the action in a game separate from the story when the action in a film is a part of it?

Dancing in the Puddles of Heavy Rain

by Jason L Blair Those who only view footage of Heavy Rain or whose button presses are laden with skepticism may well file away game developer Quantic Dream’s latest release as nothing more than a pretender to the Dragon’s Lair throne. Anyone who plays the...